In our work we use and take into account the experience and requirements of sports federations, certification and license-permitting work organizations, instructors, athletes and shooting clubs.
We actively cooperate with the Federation of Practical Shooting of Russia, the Federation of Sports , the Russian Shooting Union, the DOSAAF and the leading sports educational institution of Russia – the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (RGIFC SMiT), the Scientific and Production Association ” Special Machinery and Communications “of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (” STiS “of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia). We support athletes and participate in various competitions.
It allows us not only to offer solutions that take into account the complex requirements of the current legislation, but also to create a shooting gallery as a single training complex with its unique aesthetics, comfort and safety, which has a positive effect on sports results, the popularization of shooting sports and the growing number of club members.
In our solutions, we use safe materials that take into account our customer’s budget, the design, the overall concept of each specific shooting gallery. Equipment and products of own production undergo a multistage control system and are designed for long-term operation with minimum requirements for routine maintenance. We pay attention to ecology, using armored ballistic protection technologies that do not destroy bullets, which allows to reduce lead content in the air of closed shooting galleries.
We develop and implement solutions for the arrangement of:
- Closed galleries of various configurations
- “Home” shooting galleries, shooting galleries for training
- Semi-closed shooting galleries with bullet-catching constructions
- Sports shooting ranges
The range of our products includes:
Electromechanical targets
Electromechanical targets produced by us are a civil version of lifting and swinging installations, the PUMA and BOBBER series, suspended wire and monorail installations of the VASILEK series, floor transportation systems for targets of the KABAN type.
Systems of light and sound imitation, control and management of the target layout
Our software allows you to create complex scenarios for all the target installations and construct exciting exercises
Targets and equipment for practical shooting
Portable target stands, shields for changing the target layout, roll-over bullet traps, etc.
Bullet traps of various designs
Ballistic protection of building structures and engineering networks
Acoustic material “CORDARIFF”
We carry out:
- Development and coordination of the technical task with visualization of the proposed solutions.
- Development of project documentation for the sections “Technological solutions”, “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks” and “Power supply” of shooting galleries
- Maintenance of the developed documentation during the examination
- Production and supply of equipment and materials, complex equipping of the shooting facility in accordance with the terms of reference.
- All work on the arrangement of a full construction shooting range. If necessary, we can also help with the preparation of documents for obtaining a work permit.
- Training, support, warranty and post-warranty service